A memorable experience
Black Background Portraiture
Irina Hulse Photography Black Background Portraiture captures the beauty of your horse on a stunning studio-like setting. These portraits are and are stunning for social media, sale ads, and room/barn decor. Setup is simple and easy, photographed in a barn aisle with the horse in the bridle and the reins are removed. These are impressive and exemplify the beauty of your equine.
Horse and Rider
Irina Hulse Photography horse and rider session are a beautiful way to showcase your special bond between you and your equine partner. These photos take place outside in natural light during sunrise and sunset. and are perfect for seniors, graduation, and fine art. These are beautiful to share throughout your house or in your tack room!
Irina Hulse Photography sport session captures the athleticism, artistry, and elegance of you and your equine. These photos are creatively taken capturing candid, action, and special moments between you and your horse, not just a few jumps. This is the perfect session for capturing your show experience or training at home.
**Irina Hulse Photography is currently accepting private clients**
Video Sportif
Irina Hulse Photography video sportif is a creative way to capture the connection you have with your equine. Riding is more than an activity, it is a feeling and a passion. This creatively edited video is done with the cinematic eye, capturing riding, show,s, at home, and the candid and sweet moments with your equine.

The Black Background
A piece of fine art. Exemplify your horse's beauty, strength, and personality. Each of these images are hand edited with extreme detail and artistic style.
Black Background Portraiture Package
A complete personalised for you and your unique equine. The session includes multiple hand-edited images and angles capturing the beauty of your equine. Each image is hand edited to create the beautiful clean, distinctive, and discerning style that makes the black background so magnificent.
A complete session for one horse
30-40 minute session
7-10 Edited Digital Images delivered in a personal online gallery
Barn discounts are available for 4 or more horses.
Black Background Portraiture Package
A la Carte
A mini session for one horse
30-minute session
5 Edited Digital Images (includes full body) delivered in a personal online gallery

White Background
+ $175
3 - 5 hand edited digital images
- Braiding is HIGHLY recommended
Irina Hulse Photography does not braid.
Braiding must be done beforehand.

Black Background
The ultimate package to show off your horse. The art of photography and portraiture combined. This session is perfect for those who want a more artistic and creative edge. Every photo is stunning on your wall, in your tack room, or on social media. Each image is hand-edited, with a more creative and artistic touch with editing, posing, and style of shoot,
A complete session for one horse
1- hour session
15+ Hand Edited Digital Images delivered in a personal online gallery
Barn discounts are available for 5 or more horses at one barn.
Braiding is HIGHLY recommended to ensure precision and the best result.
Irina Hulse Photography does not braid.
Braiding must be done beforehand.

Horse and Rider
Being able to have artwork that exhibits the unique connection between you and your horse is invaluable. Unlike other sports, equestrians have the ability to connect with such remarkable and majestic animals. These sessions capture the essence and special bond between you and your horse. Each rider has a special connection, story, and journey. Let your Horse and Rider experience embody your story.
Horse and Rider
The Ultimate personalised session. The complete experience, includes outfit changes, multiple settings, and a complete Black Background Portraiture session included. Over 35 digital images that can be shared on social media, edited and shared to you in a personalised online gallery.
1 1/2 + hour session (per horse) including multiple outfit changes
Perfect for more than 1 horse
55+ Digital images
Complete Black Background Portraiture Session
15% off for print credit
A digitally shared personalised gallery
Discounts available for 3 or more horses at one barn
Horse and Rider
The complete experience refined. Includes outfit changes, multiple settings and poses and an à la Carte Black Background Portraiture Session. Over 35 digital images that can be shared on social media, edited and shared to you in a personalised online gallery.
One hour + session (per horse) includes two outfit changes
45+ Digital images
A digitally shared personalised gallery
à la carte Black Background Portraiture Session
Discounts available for 3 or more horses at one barn
Horse and Rider
The refined experience. A simplified package with the full experience. Over 20 digital images that can be shared on social media, edited and shared to you in a personalised online gallery.
One hour session (per horse)
Perfect for 1 horse
30 + Digital images
A digitally shared personalised gallery
10% off an à la Carte Black Background Portraiture Session
Each session is done with natural lighting making the session enjoyable and comfortable. These recommendations are to ensure that the session goes smoothly and the results the best possible!
Depending on the package chosen. Outfit changes can be from casual and chic to show ready, and elegant and refined. Hair and makeup should be ready at the beginning of the session.
- Entire body cleaned
- Show Ready
- Dry
- Toes painted
- Nose, eyes, and face wiped
- Cleaned bit
- Show Sheen/Marigold Coat Spray
Braiding is suggested for a more dramatic
and extravagant look.
Irina Hulse Photography does not braid.
Braiding must be done beforehand.

Horse show photography done differently. Your entire experiencewith your equine partner, from warm-up and schooling to the special moments after a perfect round and candid moments in between, not just a few jumps.
All private clients receive a %10 discount towards a Black Background Portraiture session
not applicable toward à la carte black background sessions
A complete session for one horse
25 - 35 + Edited Digital Images

As equestrians, much of our success comes from hours of training, practice, and lessons. Capture these moments and the candid moments in your lesson that make equestrians who we are.
A complete session for one horse
20 - 25 + Edited Digital Images

Click on video to play
Video Sportif
A Filmmakers touch on Equine portrait and sport photography. A complete filmed and edited film that captures the grace, elegance, strength, and elegance of horse and rider. This is perfect for capturing your show experience, or the training at home and candid quiet moments that go into this sport.
Video Sportif
One hour + filming session includes riding and candid (per horse)
Your entire show experience captured, from candid moments with your horse, to winning moments in the ring
A complete edited and colour graded video 1:00 - 2:00 minutes that can be shared on social media
Equine Sale Video
Two hour + filming session includes riding, tacking up, model, grooming (or specific shots that are needed) (per horse)
A complete edited and colour graded video 1:00 - 3:00 minutes that can be shared on social media